Friday, January 20, 2012

hapi twenty my bf!

knowing that i had school + training yesterday.  bluffed the birthday girl and told her that i couldn't meet her but secretly planned out a surprise with iira!  narisah, hafiz and myself were behind the scene preparing the cake, thinking at the very last minute on what we had to do.. but thank god! the surprise worked out.hope u like it bazilah :) happy 20!! the first in the clique to turn a year older!

i have never though this friendship could last us till now but trust me, having to know u is the greatest gift of all.  those memories we had back in our primary school days then to secondary. those were the best time of my life with you. we should get back to the admiralty bridge one day! ill buy you the honey dew drink that u like to drink ok. but first, you have to find time for me!

this year, you've got whole cake all for yourself baz!
happy birthday baz <3
love this pic!
aziz look like scary here!! haha
love u baz!

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