Friday, January 13, 2012

and when satuday comes, it will all come to an end. im gonna miss so many things. That of course includes, our usual walkathon to the 903 bus stop, every evening,passing through the admiralty park while enjoying the beautiful sight of the sunset. blasting songs like we fcking own the lab. and to add one to the "good times" tgether. we even stayed out the whole night to fcking complete our report. it just amaze me on how the four of us can still manage to pull through this rough times despite being extremely tired .and at the end of the day, i could still see the smiles pasted on our shag faces pretending we're fine but deep down, we knew we're not.

the past few months had been  a hell shit of a roller coaster ride. so damn tough, sometimes, mind-blowing and waking up each day with fear and almost worried like fug. year 3 is no joke. i swear it is worst than having those hardcore mugging session for o levels.

for the bitter sweet times, i can never thank you girls enough for having me!! and to take care of me like a little sissy(since i am the only 1992 girl. hehe!). for always giving in and listen to my rumblings whenever i get cranky and understand me so well, that when i start to spout nonsense on twitter, you guys know that i am fucking hungry. to capture the unglam but yet funny moments when we are together.

and to min, whom had been constantly helping me out. knowing that i can b very blur at times. i love you for always making me laugh so hard and gets crazy with me all the time despite being a year older :P

and to my lover,cherie loh mai kai. HEHE. for i dont know what thing should i thank u, cos if i could list them all out. it woudnt end.
and to zoa chan my twinnie, for tolerating with my nonsense and always telling me what to do when things get out of hand in the lab!!!

i tell you, the view at admiralty park is magnifient! with an excellent photographing skills by my friends*ehemz* and by using the most perfect application in iphone. we're able to capture this beatiful scenery that we always walk at!
and im finally bidding goodbye to my bunwater paddle on tuesday. thank u for having me as ur owner!! ill deinitely miss using you :( and now i have to get use to looking for 29 insted of 4 :(

i shall make a move, driving later. ut afterwards.. may allah bless me! amin!!

thank u youuu for popping out each time when i wish u could have to. for asking me if i was fine whenever u see my tweets and keeping me company on that very day ;D

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