Thursday, June 30, 2011

back for a short while.. so hi!

so i am down with fever. at this phase of my life, i only wish to stay healthy and fit, ever ready to go down with full bar of energy and then my immune system gets weak all of a sudden.. why now? i need to get well very soon! :(
lost my voice during training, phlegm that refused to cooperate, sticking on my poor throat. AND NO JOKE AH, MY MENSTRUAL CRAMP LAST WARNING PLEASE. all come at once. i think Ive lost a kg.. which is good cos i need to lose weight, but on the other hand, it seems quite bad cos i look so gaunt it's reminiscent of a prisoner of war. got an MC for today and tomorrow. so should i skip tomorrow? and rest up more for Saturday? hmmphhh

now, snuggled up in my comfy bed, hot Milo on the side, blogging through my phone seems to be the best option i had in mind to kill time because I'm waiting for myself to get drowsy and then sleep!

tough and rough days. same thing that Ive been complaining about since year 3 had started. fyp. we're coming to the end now.. starting up on my report but.. the mind is still on polite. which hence explain the no progression at all for my report. sigh.

i realised i get really pissed so easily now days. i tend to throw tantrums at home.. i have zero control over my mood. i hate to use vulgarities but i just cant help it. that's like the only way i could vent out my anger.. many times Ive been complaining about this bitchy classmate of mine whom i hated so much and the SEG team that continuously giving my team problems. OH guess what, we stayed in the lab for 10 freaking hours just to complete 16 batches of pellets! in the end, they decided not to use our data. naiseeee. i got so pissed that i broke down.. lucky to have my db girls.. if not.. i think ill just climb to the highest building and jump down.

and one of those days when i feel like punching that bastard face.. so glad narisah was there listening to me ranting. thank god for a rly good friend.seriously i just wasted 1/4 of my sec sch life getting depressed and emotionally unstable thinking and waiting crazily over a guy whom i wish i ddint know. at that point of time, i just felt like deleting him off my fb list. but oh wellz, i didnt at last.

oooo i just got a call from my db girls asking  if I'm fine. so sweet of them ♥ we will shut the mouth of people whom had no hopes on us. cos i believe we can. we will sweep it all this weekend. with the guys as well. we will make JD proud. i wish for the day, ill get my medal form my coach's hand. i will make that happen!! i swear i will

ill see the bright sunshine after the stormy days. i am pretty sure of that. stay strong amirah, stay strong!

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