Wednesday, March 16, 2011


i am embarking on a journey towards my last year in rp pretty soon like in a month's time. heard from some reliable resources, rp's twitter that results will be released next week. OFMG, shivers!

 I am left with a month more of holidays and i barely had any fun!! holidays were meant to be a period of cessation from work or one of recreation; vacation. ( lol i googled search the meaning) but seriously, im not going on a vacation nor i was given a chance to not do any work because almost everyweek im back in school for FYP!!! = final year project. im reaching my third meeting now and i can sense that we're far off from completing or formulating any omega 3 oil pellets. yeah that was my given topic.

BUT working in the lab was so much fun. we've got really amazed by how the machines works. like seriously , you wouldnt be able to get to touch on those and learn how to formulate pellets right, but i did ^^ still enjoying my fyp at this moment , the recording of logbook is an exception cos it's so troublesome!

so this was our plan
 see the beaker, second from the left, its the fish oil and it stinks so badly that we had to pinch our nose all the time.
the homogenizer, to mix all the ingrediant together.

then slowly adding the stinky fish oil. everyone were holding to our own breath when min did this. haha

 we took quite sometime on this step, had to add in the mixture from the above pic into the flour slowly just to avoid clumping and we did pretty well! yay

 poured like everything from the mixer into this extruder. and see the fine pellets. looks pleasant right?heh
this spheronizer works damn cool because it helps to determine whether the extuder machine produces the ideal size of the pellets. and it turns like vroom, damn fast.
actually, the coolest machine took us a lot of effort to clean up. trust me, it was so tedious! had to unscrew every single parts and wash it up. this spheronizer weigh heavier than those weights i did in gym. lucky us, we have kim mun. HEHE
laying out our pellets
and into the oven
and tada.drying in process. 
the happy girl, meeting ended but the tedious job of tidying up have yet to be done.

we all stinks so badly and our fingers smell of fish!
so yeah, life like this. isnt as awesome but still, i rather say,interesting right? HEHE.

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