Tuesday, October 12, 2010

our spoilt generation

the materialism of our generation saddens and maddens me more actually.it truly baffles me how some people can spend so much money so easily and with such little regard for its value and the cost of it. it sickens me more when people thinks that their purchases were merely stating the brand of it instead of its value and the purpose of it having it for themselves. some girls at my age may have gotten themselves a handbag which cost like someone's monthly salary or even more. i dont understand why they need such an expensive handbag at this age.come one, what does this things do for you? does this serves any purpose for you? omg i really cant stand this people.cant help it but to feel a great sense of unease having people of that behavior. its so disgusting.

some families out there are suffering from acute poverty all over the world, struggling each day just to get by and yet this people throws down a month's worth of living expenses on a HANDBAG WHICH MAKE YOU FEEL DAMN GOOD ? so what if you're fashionable? not like every guy in the whole world would look up into you.

i find there is a need for everyone in the whole world to practice spending wisely rather than just buying things mindlessly. furthermore, i think, for most of us here, i assume the money that we have is not by our own merit? then why are we spending so much? just cos we can afford to, that doesnt mean we CAN spend all we want right?

And for parents who don't freaking mind dropping a few grand on a pathetic stuffs but if i were them, i would'nt let cos i don't want my kids to turn into a spoil bratz like those in sweet 16. i think they're damn spoilt. i would'nt want to practice such unhealthy things with my kids.
okey lah, not that i'm saying its a wrong way to bring up your child, everyone might have their own ways. but don't regret ;D

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