Thursday, September 2, 2010

lets whine and whine

Im so not into this studying mood & i have shitz on my mind. Im so freaking tired of understanding the concepts on how human body works. what atria@#$#ventricle!@#@#$$heart shitz? im really really tired of SCHOOL AND UT!  my school is so weird to call  UT as understanding test, but this freaking test is soo important that it deserved to be called an exam. so why in the first place call it TEST?!

Mundane life. no life. 

oh and by the way, guess what?! my friendster's account has revived a few days back cos ezzati wanted to see syazwan's profile so we spent quite sometime figuring out my password and the email i used . So after much attempts , we finally managed to get in!

 and i regretted of doing so, cos i looked like a total nerd .OMG IM SO EMBARASSED :(  then i spent the whole night ,read through all the 3000+ comments, one by one and laughed at each one of it ! shall not delete it!! because of the lovey dovey , funny comments should be kept as memories <3 esp the one from a boyfriend. WAHH I HAVE A BOYRIEND BEFORE. lol lol lol. almost forgotten that i can be as a sweet as a pie and fall in love ONCED IN MY WHOLE 18 YEARS OF MY LIFE.

ive got to agree with this :

sighh. so true . so true

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