Sunday, August 29, 2010

this is just too sad.

sometimes we never realize how fortunate we are. often , we compare ourselves with other people, having expensive gadgets and stuffs like that. got jealous when you cant own one and continue whining to our parents just to buy us one.

we never know how hard life is for some  people in other parts of the world. how they persevere through each day with only a meal. the journey they had to walk just to attend school. the conditions of their houses, with no electricity, barely depend on candles for light and worst still, they collected rain water for their drinking sources. life's unfair, totally unfair.

there are people whom spends thousands or even millions on properties and on the other hand, this poor people cant even  have a proper house made out of bricks and cements. we eat good foods everyday with the right nutritional needs for ourselves, but this people only have bread made out of what? flour? for themselves. this is just too heartbreaking.

you know when you attend malay weds, they would give out eggs as a berkat, our in another word its like a gift for your presence or something around that line. some whom dislikes it, just threw it away as if they were thrash?! holly shit, this eggs meant so much to some out there. i really dont understand why cant everyone in this world be born fair? one rich , all rich, one poor, all poor. like those sayings, one for all, all for one? or vice-versa? macam democratic lah gitu

there are alot of lazy people around, never appreciate the seats we have in school. skip school, be rebellious .Got expelled out of school , like cool only ah. but there are some kids whom travel so far just to get a place in a school (that far that they get to go home at least once a month? ) and  study so freaking hard just to get themselves into a university, to make sure they could at least change their famlily's fate , have a better life.

 if i were to put myself in their shoes, i might have broken down all night thinking ,why can i not be born in a better family( because thats what i thought most of the time when my parents had problem) . this is freaking bad, i know right..

and as much as you hate you parents for not being a perfect one like those you would imagine off. they are still your parents. after all, nobody is perfect? well i have to screw that in my mind too. for some of us, we are very fortunate to see them EVERYDAY, celebrate happy occasions together. but have you ever give a  thought for those whom cant even spend their new year with their loved ones?

im a random girl and i love to pen a thought for random stuffs. i think im a sinful girl. well, everyone has their own flaws to begin with. but  compare yourself with this unfortunate kids, we just need to appreciate that we're born into a normal family where life's pretty good here. there is still a shelter for you to live in. good foods for you to eat and school, for you to study. since you have them, why cant we just shut the fug up and thank god for what he had gave us?


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