Saturday, September 4, 2010

I am not a god.

people. i am not a god. i wish i am. because if i am one. i would have a full control over EVERYTHING. when i say everything, it means EVERYTHING. its like i would be the writer to my life story. But the problem is i am not. so i cant.

but if i can, i would love to change lots of things around. like err.. controlling a guys mind? make sure he lives for a woman that he loves and not starting to fool around when he gets bored of her.these guys are so typical. how i know? cos these things are happening around me . am very disgusted with all this shitz.

i would love to make myself more cleverer? if i am, i wouldnt be ended up in rp. not that i feel regretted entering this poly. but maybe if i am smarter, i would have gone through a better route. jc and then uni and then a degree. isnt life all about a bloody degree cert? or even better than that?

i wish i could have love myself more in the past and start to realise it was just a waste of time to fall in love. cos after all, ill still be hurt. right ?

ill make the next person that i fall for, the right one. so i dont have to waste my time falling out of love, getting back up again and continue life as it is. its like a cycle and if it dosnt change. then really, it goes on and on repeatedly. overtime, ill find no point of living.

i would control my mom's level of nagging(okey this is weird , i know right?) but i cant seemed to tolerate her actions and what she says to me everytime she's mad. oh and ytd she texted me that she's v v angry and she's serious aout it cos i came home very late but its not like i did this ALL THE TIME. but oh wellz, im at my aunt house now.

ok and lastly, controls the setter for my exam papers so he/she could make my exam paper to be more easier. isnt it great to be able to control EVERYTHING?


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