Tuesday, August 3, 2010

this is not good. ive just gained a kg. as much as i want to lose weight or just mantain it.. i cant do it despite the number of trainings in a week. so sad right? i think i eat like alot!! and the weekly allowance that mama give me is all spend on food, food and just foods! sadly, i dont put aside a few bucks to buy new clothes. lol

and the other problems is that, i dont have a huge lungs. the only way to improve is to run long D everyday. school itself is so tiring. can only deped on trainings.. and i guess i should be bless to be in db if not , im gonna gain weight like nobody business. HAHA

sorry ah but i myself find myself so irritating this days. complain queen. tsk tsk.

but the good thing is that, somebody say i got a nice body figure. huahuahua! but still, i wish i could have like julian's. you know the trainer from the biggest loser? lol! she's my idol :D :D :D

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