Monday, August 2, 2010

 unpredictable weather so far. the scorching hot sun can shine so brightly in a day and it can rained terribly the next day. just like how my mood goes. so basically,life seems pretty good this days.watched inception with the lovely babes and it turned out perfectly fine though it was just an impromptu outing. this movie had killed some of my brain cells. haha! to think of a solution why and how things happened that way. but oh wellz, ive decided to end it by telling myself , leonardo had come back to his reality. dont really bother about that spinning thing. but the good thing was that i managed to understand the whole movie thanks to narisah cos she went to the extent of checking the storyline at wiki. hoho!

trainings trainings and trainings.

i love 17 mag. other than reading the traumatized section..( the part when people share their embarassing moments) i love to see the tips that they gave us and this month's was about hair.. i have huge major prob with my dry hair. regretted dying it :( so me and narisah tried out the avocado mask. had a great time with her! sharing stories to pretending to be a hairstylist in the toilet then blowing each other's hair. so cute!
in the end our hair smelled machiam orang keling. ewwwww. but its oh kay. <3 ya minah.

have you went to wannab cafe at arab street? cos if you dont then you have to! celebrated kay liy's 21st at that cafe. they have this little space where they set up a place for jamming which is located at the first level. so i actually sang a song specially dedicated to kak liy. hoho.  there's this camera which will  record us  and then be played through the tv at level 2. so everybody else can see and hear you. so coolz right??

that was the first time evaaa that ive gather up my courage to sing infront of people which was soo cool cos ive never sing in public before! lol. felt so greatful that people in the cafe was listening to me! yay. thanks to uncle for playing the guitar and line with the drums. HAHAHA! maybe i shud start finding friends to jam ah. lol. macam paham.


on sat. after training. home alone. bored. so went to serangoon stadium to watch maoists. so great to see some familiar faces around :D especially having ezzati as an accompany. feeling2 professional photographer. snapped alot of pics but cannot be as good as the dslr's owner la. lol. then got this cute lil jap boy whom i played with.. so adorable. wuhoo and i love my tan skin \m/













aiyo so cute


wahahahaa and i took this pic.


ok byebye

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