Wednesday, June 9, 2010

things kept playing in my mind

just watched a vid of a man whom died when praying. I may have say this a million of time but rly! Death do scares me. Before i went to sleep each night, im afraid Ill just leave this world even before i get the chance to breath in the fresh air in the morning again. not having the time to say goodbye to the people i love and not being able to confess the love to the people i secretly like. Opss. Haha kidding. I like nobody!

Each morning, when i woke up and heard the alarm clock rang and the voice of the dj talking through the radio. I smiled and and feel the sense of relief cos i was given another chance to live a day more on this earth. This must b the reason why some quotes always says... Cherish everyday of your life... Blahblahblah. Cos it must b really impt to do so.. Rly rly!

You rly wouldnt know the expiry date of your life. It may b the time when i just walked out of the house..locking the door with my house keys when i suddenly just collapsed and poooff.. Or maybe in the race, paddling for 500m and i just died off in the middle of it... Choi choi choi. But anything can happen right.

anyway today is a beautiful day! The weather had been very nice to me. An additional to the happiness, training ended so early like there wasnt a day when we can get off so early before like at whartt 9+??! Shiok right? back home and then meet the girls to queensway to get my new running shoes.. And guess what , jf and i bought the same pair of shoes except her's is purple and mine is red! Hehe . So excited to run in my new shoes!

Putra next week! Gotta make full use of the last few trainings to improve. Lai tao nai boat. We can do it! <3 you girls!

this so coolz . Im blogging thru my phone again. Hehe. K baiz!

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