Wednesday, April 14, 2010

in my special box..

hi, i love how my room looks like now. everything semeed to be in the right places. the books are sorted out properly, the boxes full of my past sec sch worksheets had been put aside for recylcing. spend half of the day doing all that because everytime i got a box to clear, ill read through the worksheets one by one and looking at the stuffs i used to do and work on in class, as weird as it is, it brought nostalgia to me.

like one of the mock geog paper which reminds me of mr andy, how angry he was because alot of us actually did not do it except for tang jie.she's the only person who wouldnt write down the answers in point form but in a long structured essay.haha

ive always hated throwing away stuffs even if it considered a junk, like the wrapping paper which someone used to wrap a present for me, ill keep it. every single things holds pieces of memories for me. memories that are not necessarily to be embedded in black and white but memories of the things i was doing at that point in time. imagine looking back at the things in 10 years to come, you will feel young out of a sudden. shiok right? i had kept all the wonderful notes and every pieces of it in my box.

lets take a peep of what's inside my special box. hehe. and oh sorry for the bad quality, blame my n71. hate the pic quality :(

this box was from weiyi btw.


this cute necklace that charmaine got me from taiwan. i love the small lego box of it. so cute!!

this was from ms huda(my netball, fnn teacher) she's like mother to me. so she gave me this because, firstly, i got her somethin during teacher's day and secondly, i can use it to staple my work so i wouldnt have to walk around asking people for stapler. haha!

this was from esah. during graduation day!

all of this are from my fav teacher , ms rita. everyone in 4e2 have all of this :D hehe

well, this are some of the tokens that adss kids will get. something like a card to use for our school reward system. i remembered i walk around to redeemed this from my teachers because i was die-ing to go obs.

hazirah loves to make nice cards for me. so this was for one of our monthsary. haha! dont get me wrong. we're not into any kind of special relationship. hehe

and this was during valentine's day. from hazirah again. i love this the most :D

our rhd pics.

a note from helen during our graduation day. sorry honey. the x went missing. hehe

some more notes from rasyidah, smiley and tita. haha! so sweet.

this was from narisah. it might looks simple outside but the content was lovely.

this was a present from smiley for my 16th birthday. hehe!!so sweet

this was from wee jie. both of us got hooked up with the korean drama " witch yoo hee ". then he became my superman(play play one). this was a valentine's gift from him. hheehe. i swear he wrote i love you to me in that heart note. awwww

see those stars in it. he folded all of them. such a sweetheart. haha!

ms rita would write us letter and this was when we're in sec 3.

and this during sec 4.

nothing beats the memories i had back in my sec school days. it made me feel like i just graduated from adss but reality check, tomorrow is my first day for my year 2 in rp. time flies TOO fast.


Willy Wonka said...

haha now you will be called BIG SISTER to the year 1 yes? cannot call you sister anymore. we sama rank :p

P/S ok i take back my words. you're still the smaller sister. whahahah :D

amirah, you? said...

HAHAHHA! u still b my sister though we're in year 2 still cos ure older than me!!! HAHAH.
now u will b called bigger sister! muhahaha!

Willy Wonka said...


sounds like i am big in size. LOLOLOL sembarang. asalkan the smaller sister happy. MOHOHOHO
