Saturday, April 17, 2010

big with extra fats joke

something just made me realise that friends may not be really be friends in the literal meaning. and i am rather silly to have been puttting out my neck for something that i dont gain from.its funny how the people i regardED as important may never feel the same way about me. well maybe for now, all of that are in the past. i never really thought about what comes out from my actions. people may say , im selfish and according to the latest formspring question, someone actually asked why do i forgot about my old friends when i have new ones. and he/she replied me : it was how i treat them and not how i spend time with them. HAH. err wait.. i thought form spring is an avenue for you to ask me questions and not to reply me? you think tag board is it? big fat joke. tickle my toes please, cos i want to laugh at chuuu.

frankly speaking, ive never treat my old friends badly unless he or she had done something wrong which made me lose trust or interest to be friend with them. i hate people whom would land myself in a dilema or even make myself suffer emotionally and even letting the problems stays as if everything was my fault and never think of what i may feel. sighhh

on a brighter side, well at least i know, if people would want to know more about my life through form spring, there's people whom actually reads my blog right. tyvm .wah lau, i dont like to pollute my blog with such random unwanted topics. i tried so hard not to think about it again but ohwellz, my fingers cant be controlled any further.

dont think im a bad girl after reading all this okey. you nice to me, ill be extra nice to you back. really,no joke. baibai.


rahrah said...

Hey sister!(:
It's been so long since I've seen/talked to you.Hope you're fine.

Anyways, back to the topic, maybe,I guess the person really cares about his/her friendship with you. Which is why the question.Dont worry, it takes time to figure it out.

See you soon,alright? (:

xia0fang said...

AMY! don't worry, you still have us yo! :D any problem, LAI, come tell us. we help u think or settle :D hahahaha! but now what we need to do is to train hard and improve together as a team! HAHA. and also, hope that this wednesday & thursday we will have fun while we do our jobs for our DAD! HAHA. SEEYOU ON... MONDAY, TUESDAY, WEDNESDAY, THURSDAY, FRIDAY, SATURDAY & SUNDAY! LOL! everyday la!!!

& any stress, come msn, we entertain you. HAHA.

we are the BAOs yea. HAHAHAH!

amirah, you? said...

hello to the both of you. thank you for dropping by and saying nice stuffs to make me feel better
love yall