Wednesday, April 21, 2010

simplicity life.. not anymore.

i wish for the days of simplicity. Days where my life seems easy and everything is in my control. Imagine waking up everyday with a clear mind,like a blank sheet of paper, neither it is being crumbled nor fresh. sitting down having breakfast with a clear mind what the day will be like.

Unfortunately, the same thing could not be said now. Now everyday I wake up in the morning telling myself “Here I go again.” Keep on doing the same thing over and over again to the point that monotony sinks me in.oh yes, except for wednesday, i no school. So much so, I don’t actually feel its’ weird.

so lets not talk about that anymore. i think everyone in rp are so connected to each other. like adding my new classmate in fb and then realised we actually have mutual friends in our list, then we will go like, eh u know this person? that kind of stuffs. Not knowing, some of my classmates were from the sas mascot team during our orientation at first. HAHA. so actually i know half of my classmates before we're even in the same class. last sem, i got to know cherie from xinling. this sem, zoa(cherie's gd friend) is in my class. and im very lucky that narisah is in my class as well.

by the end of our journey in rp. we would have hundreds of friends and that explains the never ending hi and byes in school. damn funny!! cherie had been saying, i have too many friends(aiya im not popular la only that i got alot of friends lol!) that everywhere we go, i had to stop for a second when i bumped into a person i know.

anyway happy birthday to my lovely uncle and izzuan. xoxo to the both of you!

ill be enjoying my sleep later when people are actually in school studying. shiok! k baibai

1 comment:

Willy Wonka said...


Just like how you and I know Natasha and how we're connected to her ;) Small world, oh small world.

And I know who you're talking about (latest post). I KNOW! :D Secret safe with me.

See you around in school soon, okay?
