Friday, February 10, 2012

Last day of school

the last few weeks when i said , i had 3 more freaking weeks in rp and the last 2 days was already my last.Sadly, it has come to an end. Well it has not officially ended since UT is not over yet.But technically, if there's no more lesson means there's no more school right?

can you belive it, there goes my 3 years of my tertiary education. stepped into rp with my geeky looks, damn timid and  err so fair. and now im leaving rp with slightly looking better, tan skin and full of pride because no matter how bad people think about my school, i am still proud being in rp! if you dont know, from the last rank , we managed to pull up and to the second place now!

in this 3 years, i have seen so much changes in myself. besides my physical looks(haha!) but my behaviour as well. RP taught me to be independant and be more responsible towards my own studies! we were'nt spoon feed with information on what we are learning, no textbooks, no lecture notes so practically we have to do our own reasearch! the more research u have, the more u learn.

 i find myself as a stronger girl now. i dont know how i managed to juggle my emotions when i encountered problems with my fyp and studies and then comes the biggest competition of the year but i did it. if i wasnt in rp and never challenge myself to join db. i would never know where my limits can expand till.

my journey in RP has left so much of the best memories and gave me the best of friends i would keep till i die.
ill miss so many things i did in RP. ill miss the nerve wrecking moments i had before presentations. the stressness, the break out period, first meeting, second and the third and 6p!!  ill miss ayam bakar!! the bubble tea and my potato salads as well! :( my favourite spot in school where i had so much of the bitter sweet times at, the sports complex! where i spend most of my time suffering, crying and train till i almost die with the girls. the pharm lab for fyp, blasting songs, break a spatula, carried the heaviest equipment, made too much smelly pellets.

and i must thank RP for showing me how capable i am at scraping through pharm chem lessons even when i thought i couldnt but i did it at last.

i am gonna be free from my poly life soon!!!!

the last day in school was somewhat the day all of us had been waiting for. but when ma zhen ended her 6p, it was kind of sad to know everything has ended.
my Y3S3 classmates!
 this girl below is  my year 1 classmate and now year 3! and she keep saying how she see me grew.
my two favorite girls in class!

and then comes the madness we had in the aerobic room after gymming  with my favourite girls. These girls are the best girls i can ever have! it all started with vivi wanted to pretend to have a photoshoot of an old school theme. had so much fun with them after so damn long!!

my sibling!!
nazimoomoo :)
this photo made us roll on the floor laughing!!
love these girls!!

vanthewee :)
we look some some trainers here right!! haha
love this !!

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