Sunday, August 14, 2011

My little prayer

Do you know what do i always ask for in my prayers?

Is to give me more strength in every little challenges that i have to face
To lessen the burden of my parents and to give them ease in whatever they are doing
To give me and my family a chance to live on longer
To keep my family and friends safe from any misfortune
To give my family more happiness
To Keep me on the right path
To turn me into a better muslimah
To let me excell in my studies
To always give my team mates and i the strength to overcome each harsh training with a strong mind
To let you know that i like you
To hope in return you will open up your heart for me
To make u a better muslim as well
And to keep your family safe as much as i want my family to be too

Happy fasting to all my muslim friends. We are almost coming to the end of our 14th day of ramadan. Selamat berbuka! I guess im just having drinks. Damn thirsty :(

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