Tuesday, June 14, 2011

cerita dah basi, glitz night !

the girls and myself were quite psyched about glitz. it seems like another prom for us, okey not another for me, but for the others. so weeks before the day itself, everyone were like. omg what dress to wear, what heels matches, what hairstyle to do, normal for girls. so excited for the event since most of us are going up the stage to get an award and not expecting ourselves to get up on it for the second time because WE FREAKING WON THE TEAM'S OF THE YEAR AWARD.. SAYYY WHART?!!! lolz

proud of each and everyone of us. team of the year wouldn't be in our hands if hard work, team spirit and commitments inst alive in each of us. After all, having it means we have the qualities to be selected to be the best team in rp. yay!

we faced too many harsh trainings. sometimes when i look back at those times when i was treated like a guy, going through all sorts of punishments, hearing the most hatred phrase in my whole life " push up change!" and when we did too many push ups.another phrase came in "never echo back to zero" and we had to start all over again.  that was shit training with my batch of girls and guys. haha

the never ending long distance training, many sets that made our body sore till we went crazy. carrying the killer weights in the gym.run and run and run. i had no freaking idea how i managed to stay on till now. im in  year 3. Ive endured 2+ year, half more to go. but never did i regret joining DB because i had a whole lot of wonderful and unforgettable experience.

ok back to the glitz night.

felt so great to see all the girls dressing up and some of them do stands out. from our ugly training geers to pretty dresses.

for these girls i stayed on

and then this group of girls came in and made my db life more colorful

yasser felt good that he can see us looking attractive once in awhile. haha. the new rpdb captain. :)

the last 5 standing year 3 girls. the batch of girls i went through shits with :) and when we talk about it now, we went , ahhhh this group of new kids are lucky batch.

so apparently, this was suppose to be the NAVY group. look at our dresses! hehe

we are the SAS people!!

LOL AT VAN! always with her funny expressions.

susan always say these are my 3 cantek malay girls. HEHEHE.

with the annoying self claim pro coxswain, ridduan. 

my awesome partner <3

van's epic expression

and again....

the whole ceremony took around 2 hours. 3/4 of which i spent clapping hands for the people whom i dont know who, waiting anxiously for two most important awards which includes kin mun's captain of the year category .WOAHHH. 

so at the back stage, i was nervous and i don't know why? not that i was going to perform or something. but walking on the stage in front of the crowds was quite scary. i was worried if i fell down with my heels(trust me im bad in it ), wouldn't it be so embarrassing. so i walked damn fast. the G.O.H talked so politely, whispering " congrats" then im like.. ohh thanks!! keep bowing to him (like korean style ah hahha!) snap a pic and quickly get my ass off the stage and phewww! OVER.

and i swear, the part when they start to announce the winners for different categories, only god knows how fast our heart pumps, it felt like as if it can explode anytime soon! Just like when we're going down for a set, the adrenaline rush ! WOAH. we were holding hands tightly while shaking our legs. Then Amelia says, if we win, we'll throw up our certificates which we ended up didn't. 

so we won :)

& so did kin mun  :) so proud of him. captain of the year, my fyp team mate. HEHE. his speech was the funniest, of all the motivating words he gave to us all this while, we remembered just this funny sentences he said in his speech. " i need your cooperation, please , listen listen, thank you, so this award goes not only to myself but also to all captains whom had been putting in the extra efforts....blahblahlah". everyone were so noisy but when he said this, the whole crowd really shut up and listened.

ah maoo!!!!! <3

amelia's , susan's , hayden's , jie fang's and my trophies and certificates ^^ worth the wait:)

2k, 2k, 2k. like win some lucky draw ahh. shiok~

dragon boat women carved in that small circle :):) with my happy partner.




 teehee. captain of the year !!!

Check out my pretty sibling. so according to lek's nintendo ds some funny application measures the similarity between marion and my face. we're 99% similar hence that shall explains why im always calling her sibling.

vanthewee with her fav boy's certificate. HEHE

the limited edition right side paddlers :P hehehe!

and the left paddlers :):)

 this girl can look damn good in dress right?! thanks to marion and the rest for pestering her to wear one and she finally did. everyone were so damn happy to see her in it with her pretty long legs!

with pretty ah mao :)

and to end the photo spams, here's the last. my bestfriend vaness-ah! :) LIKE MY SISTER, my listening ear and everything <3

so the dress i wore wasnt the one i bought, im so fickle minded having to choose what to wear and all right ?!.this dress had been in my ward drobe for idk how many months ah. HEHE

 i can picture myself with an annoyed wedding planner in the future lor. SIGH.

k byebye

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