Tuesday, May 3, 2011

the political issues are heating up right now, with the election coming along very soon and rally going on everywhere. but this has got nothing to do with me. im nineteen. i have no rights and no power to vote.but singaporeans have to wake up and dare to take risk. what is with the threat of us regretting not choosing pap and suffers for this coming 5 years if they lose.  i dont think we will right? there is nothing wrong to have a change.

i went wahhh when my parents gets 600 dollars from the PAP ust before the elections. so i supposed it was a bribe or something? come to think of it, we have been paying so much and giving too much money to the government, so i suppose the 6oo dollars are the sum of money which they had been collated for the past 5 years to give back to us and then we got fooled thinking it was a "present" from them. HAHAHA

and eiyyerr i dont my parent's hardwork money to go to somewhere not important.

youngsters have the rights to think who is better. 20% of new voters, i hope they will make a difference :)

i came across a blog whereby this writer said that "To all the people who think that voting the PAP means voting for stability, my only question is this, stability for who?"- click here


just now in the afternoon. the WP members were in the lorry, waving around to the public. i was amazed by the huge amount of people whom came all the way down (including my papa) to shake hands with them. people were watching and gave them a thumbs up from their windows. everyone were cheering....

my idol!!!!!!

this are just my thoughts , no hard feelings

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