Wednesday, December 15, 2010

my 18th

since I'm home all alone with a painful headache and barely able to get out of the house, here I am in an attempt to revive this piece of virtual land I somewhat own.
Or perhaps it is an attempt to appease myself from tucking away this nearly neglected corner of my life.
Being unwell is such a chore :(
I'm craving for koi but at my current state, i think ill just give it a pass.

yesterday i wasted 42 dollars of mom's money on medicines. Was given some medicines to clear off my phelgms and an anti-biotic that made me drowsy. skipped school,spend the whole day of yesterday and today sleeping.

oh yea, ive watched narnia. it was oh-kay, not that bad but i still wished it could have been the movie, let me in instead. but too bad, we were late and somebody doesnt want to watch it halfway. haha. Thanks for the cookies!

im eighteen! thats good thing cos im going to make full use of my IC soon. get a license and drive people around. go clubbin ~ haha that sounds really awesome. i cant wait! for those whom have made my 18th a blissfull one. thank you so much.

to narisah , whom made an effort to stay up till 12 am just to wish me. drew me a rly cute cake at msn. thank you!!

my team mates, who came all the way to my class,with two slice of fatty cakes and a gift. sang me a birthday song twice! made me tear and gave me a group hug. thank you!! you girls are the best i ever have.



to vanthewee! for the hair bands. its so lovely! even my friends agree <3 thank you so much van. love u alot!!! to my minmin and cherie, for the delivered slice of cake to my class. its so yummy!!

 to my lovely nyahs, who pretended not to care about my birthday, didnt wish me!! but came out with a pleasant suprise with a burnt container of brownies (ok my fault my fault!) haha. im so touched. the brownie that narisah baked for me <3 it's very nice!!! can bake more for me pretty please? hehe . Photobucket

suprise planner!! thank you <3 Photobucket



we shared the same birthday!!! happy birthday too zoa!!

to my cliques of bestfriends. who celebrated my 18th with my family. your presence is greatly appreciated. we shall have our xoxo times during roystin birthday next!

charmaine not in!!

to my mom, who plan it all. for giving me a nice birthday . love u mother <3

and to friends whom made an effort to spare a minute of urs and wished me through a message/fb. thank you!!!

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