Friday, December 24, 2010

Ive been meaning to update this place, but it;'s really just a dry spell in my mind. (Im really still alive!! 
The December holidays are here to play, time to fill up that schedule with the chalets,bbq and meet ups. I absolutely adore having time in my hands to plan everything out. need to take in some considerations since i still have trainings. i am looking forward to spend time with cece, i wish there is a day where we could spend the whole day walking around Singapore (like we've done before) or maybe going for a karaoke session and sing to listen till we lose our voice.

in the meantime, ill update some stuff to keep this blog alive and kicking.
had eps chalet on the last day of school, though it was just for a short while, i enjoyed myself so much with the giggling, laughters over the stupid lame jokes that nizam and taufik came up with. and of course meeting with my old friends was good.

Outing with min, cherie, rach , nigel and van. i am glad to have such great poly friends whom still stick and remember each other. having such a simple yet enjoyable dinner. We had a belated birthday surprised for the december babies.





before us, there were another surprised birthday song played for this little boy. everyone there (including us) were singging and clapping along. when they played the song for the second time, our eyes were glued to the waiter whom carried this cute little cake out and then...  yeah he walked towards our table. so, it was for us. haha! 
must be this 3 people's idea! anyway, loved the cake :)






this was nigel's present. 



walked around marina square. and came across this beautiful decorated place.


and saw this cute teddy bear. it was so comfortable that i couldnt let go of it. how i wish i can have it for my christmas present.


 came across this booth where we could write out our wish and messages for new year. it was damn cool. we practically filled up the whole balloon.

HAHA i wishh.


and i personally love this peek. heh

loving my holidays. im pack and enjoying every single bit of it. db chalet just over and i wish it was longer. dempsey with my fav kindergaten friends this monday!! something to look forward to :)

i love my rpdb !!!! <3 

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