Sunday, December 26, 2010

like reminiscing

i miss my secondary school life.

right from the start, i had no intention of going to admiralty sec school. i was just an average girl whom played alot during my psle year and i had no confidence that i will do well. prelim results were bad that my aggregate score couldnt even pass 180+ . i have no slightest idea i would even make it  into express. i didnt cared how much i would get at that moment, i just wished it would be just nice to enter ST margaret or even any CHIJ's cos i really wanted to be in girls school in a normal stream.

but now, im glad it didnt happened. Just so glad that i was in admiralty. many beautiful things happened in there.

sec 4!! 

from secondary 1 , i had the best table mate ever, charmaine tay. i was totally the opposite of her. i came to school in weird shoes, weirdest hairstyle, quite long skirt, high socks. i still remember how charmaine taught me how to wear socks, ankle socks. haha. that period of time, it was a cool thing to do, it was more cooler when you got caught wearing it and then you have to wear a slipper on 1 leg and socks on the other. alot of my friends got caught, they make it look like theyre cool people and im the nerd one.

frankly, i envied most of my friends whom were pretty from the start. alot of the SENIORS can get along with them. I wasnt the type of girl whom guys were crazy after. i was so timid. when any of the sec 2,3 or 4 guys talked to any of my girlfriends, i would look up to them.

then remember , we had our be yourself day. i dont know what i was doing, i took part in some dancing competition and dance off some greese dance moves  but sadly our class didnt get choosen to perform on that day itself. i wore  a skirt, yes and that was siew yan's , borrowed it from her.

ms huda always yell and scold me on the court. i was a blur girl.  i was so scared of her.

but things started to change when im in sec 2. personally, i think i wasnt that nerd anymore. haha!
wearing ankle socks were normal to me. i changed my shoes from checker( the one you buy directly from school) to kappa. i was a little naughty too. used my saving and went to alter my long skirt, my mom thought i grew taller cos it looked quite short on me. haha! that was funny.

during sec 2, i had clique of friends and we called ourselves name, had our own clique blog. thinking of it now, it seems like we're just the normal typical secondary school kids, how uncool! charmaine wasnt my table mate anymore, bazilah was. i like it how bazilah would console me whenever i did badly in a test eventhough she may find me irritating.

i remember how charmaine will sneak into my class through the back door everytime after any lesson ended. i missed her presence in class! then she promised me to work hard to get into 3e2 together so we can be table mates again.

secondary 3, i was been asked out of class because i dyed my hair.  i was made the netball captain. i  dont love the position, it was hell.  my friends sabo-ed me to become the class vice-chair. i had really awesome classmates. to name a few events which i wouldnt forget till now would definitely be the sec 3 camp. that was when all of us got together and were so united. we had farewell party for mr saw (the coolest chemistry teacher evaaa, good looking too) , i loved his perfume!

teacher's day 2007!!


that is mr saw! with us :)

my sec 3 life. that was when life started to crumble down, family problem. i got a lil rebellious. came home late, late for school almost like everyday, copied homework, never do homework. from being the top 50+ for the whole level i became the last 100th. that was really very bad

to think of it, actually ,  2007 was a fucked up year. fell in love, fell out of love. that was dumb. i was stupid.

then i realised, i was already in sec 4. final year in admiralty. it was definitely a tough year.i struggled alot. on a happier note, i did had really good memories with my bestestfriends and classmates.

teacher's day! the cake was personally made by shahid!

i had 5 close friends. we were so damn close. you will see us together everywhere we go. i like it how we would spend our time laughing over stupid lame jokes. we gossiped about people. we were quite mean but still nice. we would just laugh at some weird people/couples walking passed us.


before we went down for recess! haha

during break time, we will then walked down the small isle to the western stall. The aunty know us really well, sometimes she even gave us free chicken. charmaine and tita will buy us drinks, the rest of us will que for food. that was our routine during break. when the bell rang, i remembered how mr low would shoo us off but we always get extra time to eat and will just join our class que only when we saw our teacher come. we even have our own spot to seat, in front of the SC room. wish we can have lunch there someday, but hmmmph not possible.

girls, remember when we waited for our daddy coleman to come, we sneaked into the lib room to get free air con, wanted to do some revision but ended up playing. recorded ourselves and even now when i watch it back again,  i can still laugh till my stomach hurts.

i can only leak out this for people to see. haha

we quarelled with little kids over some riddiculous stuffs. when i think of it,it was a joke! the best part  was to laugh and pass around the printed blog post of AN enemy(not the kids,lol) the 5 of us hated, baz did it and the paper was confiscated by ms huda. hahaha

perhaps, if i was in a normal stream, i would be in a girl's school. my sec life story would be different. i wouldnt meet my bestfriends. i wouldnt be as close to narisah and bazilah as how i am now. maybe we will be like other pri school mates during reunion, hi-bye friend. i am so glad i met charmaine :) and i still have my cliques of friends in secondary school, my classmate, my teachers.

charmaine remember this ?


heh heh heh!

before our results!

i have more pics! but nonono. not gonna show all of it. heh.


Anonymous said...

The before our result photo is so last season! haha my hair is beyond horrible please.
And so sweet sia the post!! Even though I have no freaking idea when did I ever sit with you during our secondary days (but i still remember we sat together during Mt class)

Ok cannot wait for barbecue!!!!! arhhhhh best best


Anonymous said...

And you know what! Suddenly I'm reminded of the L7-S22 thing at one of your photo. But nah, you don't need him in your life ever!

amirah, you? said...

ahh finally ure writtig me a comment :D so happy. hahaha.

i was just browsing through our old pics at photobucket and i realized i do rly miss my sec sch life :(
ohhh we sat beside each other during sec 2, remember, at the back, our table was yellow in colour cos apparently we're the active kids. haha!

yup i dont need him anymore. fucked up guy. opss! HAHHAA!



Anonymous said...

I think secondary school life is one of the best memories I had too. So much time spent together. Jealous! At least now you have Narisah.

Ok I think I somehow recall now. So funny sia. We all hyperactive kids. Oh oh then we decorate our tables with handsome guys, then we compare who's table nicer right. Obviously its mine. haha

ikr! At least we all enjoy ourself. xoxo babe! Good luck for P&T

amirah, you? said...

ehhhhh what. my table was nicer. haha!
you should make a post about my sec sch life too. im waiting~ hahaha!