Thursday, October 21, 2010

so this came to my head...

its been awhile since i last written anything here, so there wont be any particular direction to my words tonight, just whatever pops up into my head, gotta just write it down here and make myself feel good about it. haha

well, what a relief, today is overrr. truthfully today was a mentally tiring day, its dietary supplementary module from morning till afternoon and add up to it, training again. i felt like my body can just fall apart. wish wednesday was my rest day still, like always but sadly ive 5 modules this sem and its very tiring.


quite an intense times, but oh wellz, that is life, our life here in this small dot in the world map, no point blabbering things like how unfair life is or whatesoever, but sometimes, ive got to question myself, why must i study? why must i choose leading a tiring life like this? generally , its obvious that everyone studies just to secure a somehwhat stable insurance to have good life. to think about it, sometimes we study, cause we just have to do it, its how the things works, such a bummer, i know righhhttt. but what to do.

right now. i have never met a person whom study cos he/she love to do it. i wish i can meet one!! that person would be my idol ~ like the one in 3 idiots, that's only if you watch hindi movies. This dude, is one of those exceptional people as often depicted in movies, the crazy nice guy who despite all the retarded things he does, is a genius and he loves to study.

i am definitely trying my very best to cope with the core modules now. enjoying some but dreading for most of it. regatta next week. crazy crazy trainings.

ohh i am currently in love with shinee. i am not gonna turn into a typical singaporean k-pop fan, I WILL NOT!
but i love shinee :) they're just a group of young (good looking!) teenagers whom have great talent in terms stage performance like singging, dancing and rapping. they are just soo amazing :) :) i wish i could meet them in person and tell them that they are my idols :):) yes all of them are my fav but to name a few which i rly rly like is onew and minho <3 sooo hamsem lahh

ouh and to the person whom always make me laugh like a retarded girl in class. tsk confirm nvr read luckkkk for polite later! go rp rugby~

another training day later. please give me strength dear god!

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