Thursday, September 16, 2010

joyous occasion

just a week ago, exactly on this day.  All muslims were very much anticipated for the hari raya aidilfitri .A celebration for muslims whom successfully FAST for a month, including myself( but excuse myself for skipping a few days, afterall im still a girl). tolerating the thirst and hunger, the goodness of tap water when we rinse our mouth to take wudu' ,even this was the nicest things to do ! The scorching hot sun was punishing me over and over again, i swear it was horrible!  and for people like me, who trains while fasting(to my muslim team mates too! ) we've endured through so much, overcoming each obstacles with patience and alhamdullilah, here comes the wonderful month. (: mesti mau enjoy!

this raya was'nt much different than any other years. getting used to not having grandpa by our side was kinda hard cos when i thought of it, i would cry all by myself. i used to love hearing takbir on every eve of raya, the house will be nicely cleaned and all of us would wait for the radio to play the azan and then the takbir. takbir was actually a sign that its hari raya!! but now, the excitement wasnt the same anymore. i get so emotional and just cry.

well i guess the 6th day of aidilfitri isnt that late yet to wish all muslim, a wonderful syawal with your loved ones. selamat hari raya aidil fitri. maaf zahir dan batin.

the blog owner.

abulu's family is purple this year.
shall upload some pics soon k.


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