Wednesday, August 11, 2010

ramadhan without chuuu again

a year ago, on this very day, my grandpa left us all. time pass by too fast. we missed a ramadhan together last year atok, and here comes another ramadhan without you. there are so many things i miss doing with him during this prosperous month.

if all of you dont know, its very hard to wake me up every morning. im always gonna be like the last person to eat for sahur or sometimes, ill throw tantrums because i refused to wake up! but he never fails to come to my room and wake me up softly .Ill automatically made my way out from the room like a robot without humming humming and brush teeth. i think my atok got an extra power or something, just on me . haha

i miss the times, we would wait for subur. we would pray together and every friday, all of us would seat together and listen to his mini syarahan and the topics were all simple but yet very meaningful and sometimes boring that i fall asleep. ish ish.. now, sigh, everyone at home prays individually and i realized how important those times were and i shouldnt be fall asleep too often!

He would drive us to masjid every afternoon to take free bubur. so along with my little brothers, we would collect at least 6 packets of it to bring home since my grandma loves it. my grandpa would never forget to at least buy 3 kueh dadar and ondeh2 for me, cos i really love it.<3

(sedapkan???? !!)

i had never missed any terawih back on those days when atok was still here with us and when we're still living under the one roof. then after that we would tadarus together and we would finish up the whole quran by the end of ramadhan. lol. mesti banyakkan my pahala last time :P

Not to forget, we would clean up the house together while atok will anyam ketupat in the balcony. my atok is a pro!

Dont you think my grandpa is a nice guy? he's like the nicest guy you can ever have. my grandma is so damn lucky to have him. if only he's still here with us :( ohwell, all of us would return to him one day,just the matter of when it is. hope ill find a husband as good as my grandpa (: (:

i think my grandpa is somewhere out there, looking at me writting this post. i miss u alot atok.

to all muslims selemat berpuasa. this is the only month when allah gives our free pahala easily, so to people like me, whom have alot alot of sins( yeap sadly, i admit i have alot) this is definitely the right time to grab this pahalas! jangan puasa yok yok tau. dosa!

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