Wednesday, July 28, 2010

so we are weak? or not?

oh god. sometimes i think girls are just  a weaker gender. no matter how much we try to be strong when things gets crumbled up, deep down we're still kind of weak. not looking down at my own gender or even myself. but i think we fall in love too easily, each time when we see the men of our dreams. LIKE OH MY GOD, IVE FOUND THE PERFECT ONE, but actually they are not? that kind of situation that im saying here. we fall for their oh-so-flowery sweet talking that made us feel they are the right one for us. the little pinky promise which will be made along the way , taking advantage of our weaker side and we totally fall for the trap that they set.

When things get different, it's always us to give in, to understand because we doesnt want to feel the lost. because we are weak hence tell us we need them. because we are weak that sometimes, they took advantage of our kindness. because we are weak that we gave them everything that they want.

Then, some may regret. But some, still thinks he's the one.

im not saying this because i don't believe in love but we're just the weaker ones. been through so much this days, hearing all sorts of stories which saddened me more because they're happening to my friends.. even though i may not be able to feel the pain.. but i totally understand how these people feel. because the pain is like when a sharp kinfe stabs through your heart. the pain, when u need to hold onto it and just cry.

We need to think that our own happy ending now does not necessarily have to include a guy. its you, yourselves picking up the pieces and start all over again, free yourself from troubles and open up yourself for something better in the future.. because happy ending is moving on. just like mine. ;D

god create us in pairs. the lucky ones may find the right one earlier when your's is not. some people's love life is like doing trial and error. it takes time, just like you try to solve something to get the answers. the errors are the fail relationship and when you get the answer, you've found the right person you're suppose to be with. aiya along that line lah

well for me? im still a happy girl. still trying to forget the one sided story but not to worry, im fine! im a happy girl remember?





machiam sweet right? i know! lol

k bye

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