Thursday, July 1, 2010


 Seriously I wish im 18 like now. I wish I could drive because if I can, I would drive my bffs and myself out of the town maybe to Malaysia together. And immerse ourselves into our own world where we can just have fun and settle down for something pleasant for all of us. I have zero idea about this sudden craving but ohwellz, at times like this when I felt rly down, I need some space to just get a break from EVERYTHING! I really hope this bad lucks got shoo-ed off from me as soon as possible.I need brighter days ahead

 i hate pms. i hate when im having the strawberry jam period like i got no power to control my mood swings. i pity the people whom become my victim along the way. sighh. please end soon.

i want myelf back!!

ps: wah my heart beats damn fast this days.

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