Wednesday, July 7, 2010

bestfriends stays with us 4eva

so once again. been mia-ing for 6 days! i love my blog like alot! but sometimes im just too lazy to update. yup cherie loves calling me babi well for once, this time only, i have to agree with her. haha!

A best friend is not defined by how many times they talk on the phone, or how many hours they hang out together. It is not defined by how many sleepovers they gossip at, or how many inside jokes they have. There are no requirements or laws that state that a good best friend must hang out with them every weekend, or tell each other every little detail. A best friend is a matter of opinion. It is the person who has been there for you through everything, not just through the fun things, or the little things. It is the person that you call when you are at your absolute worst, it is the person who saves you when you didn’t even notice that you needed saving, mostly it is the person who accepts you for who you are, and the person that you are becoming."

so these were once the defination of bestfriend to me back when i was in sec sch. now i realised,(and as the defination of it gets deeper) it does not matter if we dont do such stuffs with each other that often anymore because at the end of the day, when you still think of them, care of what's happening in their life and remember how imporant they are to you , that would be just enough. hence, girls i love each and everyone of you whom gave me the sweetest memories i had in sec sch :D

the phone calls we had for hours till sometimes i fall asleep talking, the long hours we spend time together(like omg rly very long cos we see each other from as early as 7 in the morning till 7+ at night), the hot gossips which we shared and creating alot alot inside jokes which only we understand (:

the simple meet up but yet the most memorable time i had with yall. you know what we did? we took retarded pics of us and pose like how we usually did last time. i swear i look like one retarded kid la!
which means i was embarassing myself for the past 4 years of my life or maybe more!! huahua. omg so retarded!!!

we had dinner together after my competition for siwf and the best part of all is tt charmaine was hosting for the event. so as i was walking down to the platoon area to load up into the boat, i could hear her voice and it totally boost up my energy  to the maximum  level (muhaha!) and weiyi was there when i went up to take my medal. immah happy gal!! met bazilah at marina bay stn then head down to lido. sudden craving for kfc. yummy!!

okey let me show you the pictures.









and i love to stick out my tongue!
and to this !!! too.
 i love to do this shot and i almost did it in all the pics i took lah please. omg retarded!

and then the cannot- make- it- pout- lips but i still dk why i still did tt last time.




oh and i used to smile like this!! small eyes. no teeth. aiyo!

the most epic shot!! just look at bazilah! and wthell ? my smile is so fake! and charmaine looks chubby here. opss! =X

ps: thank you for the pics cece. xoxo!!

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