Monday, May 24, 2010

crazy week, awesome weekends

completely exhausted and it's just monday . oh boy, its gonna be such a crazy week ahead. stressed out by biochem. couldnt think much about that. A module which im still clueless up till now. On a lighter note, had an awesome weekends. saturday evening was spent witnessing MI's angklung concert because my bestie was performing cum emcee-ing for the day. so proud to see her on stage. jumping from one instrument to another. then, our own post "celebration" at mac with the rest of the girls. laughed, giggled , talk and talk till 11 plus. glad to meet most of them, its been ages!!

Homed at 12+ and a few hours more, ill be heading down to slr for training. The weather, as always, nvr fail to punish me. almost died because of the scorching hot sun was unbearable. i think i just got sunburnt. damn! but no matter how torturing things goes during training, it always ended up well with a cup of soya bean. \m/

Mom fetched me and went expo to sign up for the new broadband plan. cant wait for my macbook. like finally. my dream came true !! :D PHOTOBOOTH!! YAYZ!

Another awesome day on a sunday evening. grandma organised a bbq for us. i love it when everyone gets together and just have fun. it had been quite awhile eversince we had gatherings. suddenly miss having grandpa around.exactly 10 months ago, i was still having a hard time picking up the pieces to bring back myself up. i remembered how he moved to tears when everyone were singging a birthday song for him, thanking god for giving him live till this far and now, he's not here with us anymore. but whaever it is, he should be smiling to see all of us happy together.
love the random moment when uncle and syafiq just strummed the guitar and the rest of us sang any song!! damn cool!!

kakak haven upload the pics, so. i shall just share the angklung pics k.



nadiaaa. this cute girl is my pri sch friend. haha!

muah muah

the newly appointed president. eherm . haha!

HAHA love this pic!



and then we were trying out the camera since bazilah said the camera would auto snap if we smile.. then we tried not to ..




but it still snapped us -.-


and her camera is damn cool! you can self-snap because there is this screen infront to see your own reflection!! so.. i tried it out.




tita and narisahh <3 Photobucket




look at how long tita hair is!!

and lastly,

get well soon lover <3 i miss u!!

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