Saturday, March 13, 2010

The weather has really been punishing these past few days and I cant be bothered to update because im so drained out and sick. My hips are aching, my blisters on my toes are hurting and the right side of my butt hurt like they cant work anymore. I had to place a pillow on my butt just to ensure it wouldn’t hurt .But, the seats in the cinema was just nice to fit my butt in and it doesn’t hurt that much.

Thursday was insane. Had training earlier on in the first part of the day then went to gym . rushed home to get ready to meet up with my cliques for movie. I was drained out but meeting up with my friends just help to boost my energy level a lil. Alice and wonderland was nice , not the best movie iv ever watched but I guess it was alright. Anna Hathaway has always been gorgeous in all the movies she acted and Iove her!! Just look at her flawless skin. Okey wait, I love the dresses they wore too!!

We had ljs because I was so freaking hungry and I was just depending on the pop corn to avoid my stomach from growling.

Monday was relatively fine. Meet bazilah in the evening for dinner and from the moment we saw each other, we didn’t stop talking like we’ve got so much to talk about. like so many gossips to share and our life stories which we’ve yet know from each other. haha

Pacing tomorrow. Scared like shit. Bai I wanna sleep now.











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