Wednesday, March 3, 2010


the only reason why im afraid of having a r/s is to get hurt. i think im philophobia. im happier this way. i get to admire any guys i like. i dont have to be tight down to one guy whom i have to specifically report 24/7 everyday. i dont have to feel restless whenever he dont text me or i dont feel any responsibilities on my shoulder to understand and treat him nicely. i dont have to feel sad if he doesnt have any suprises or lovely gifts for me because i suppose r/s arent just about that. i love the way i am now. isnt it just cool to be single. all the signle ladies, now put your hands up. you should know how much freedom we have right. sorry, not rubbing in.

you know i love bloghopping. reading through some blogs and some showed me about life, in love. there are some girls whom are luckier to have the right guy. got plenty of suprises most of the time. but others seemed to get cheated, get hurt and etc. seriously i think some guys are sick! no offence. but oh well, one day i would meet that one special guy whom i hope would not cheat/hurt me cos if he does. this time round, i wont just be crying myself out but ill find ways to kill him. like hello, im not fifteen anymore. haha.

the weather is fucking hot and i cant take it anymore. k bai

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