Monday, March 8, 2010

Anw, these few days had made me particularly happy, Like, a lot of things made me smile and laugh or tickled my funny bone like TICKLETICKLETICKLE. You know, the little things in life. And when you come across these things, you cant help but think that whatever god has given you is so temporary.

at one point of time, you feel like your life is almost perfect and you just dont want to get rid of that wonderful feeling but yet, one day, everything you owned just slipped away or the the perfect life you have just turned up side down. that's life.

but oh well, this week had been awesome. one of it would be meeting up with charmaine and weiyi to watch dear john. channing tatum seriously made me droolz, he has a perfect body! i love him as much as i love the two girls, okey maybe i love them both more because they're my babes. did i mention, we went to the grand cathay to catch it. omg, my virgin experience in that theathre was fantastic. the seats are so comfortable that weiyi almost fall asleep. haha! and perhaps, if its not for channing and the romantic scenes, i would have fallen asleep too.

had kueh teow for dinner. still as nice as before. since holidays are here. we should meet up more often now. wuhoo.

here's the pic at prisc house as promised.



omg look at meimei. she's so adorable!










this is how tan i looked now. i think im even tanner than syarif now. :(

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