Wednesday, February 24, 2010

I don't know if the sea is any draw for you, but it always is for me. Absolutely love beaches, the sparkling waters. Slightly wild yet gave me a soothing feeling, peaceful and charming. Romantically idyllic, slow. Just the kind of break I need.

had one at the beach with narisah and nasrul yesterday.a random outing and my face feels so naked. it was the same place i was at hmm like 3 years ago when we made our way to obs.the good old times when love starts to sparks. HAHAHA! nasrul was oh-so-busy with his lover and the both of us just sat around talking, on the rocks. lovely scenery and ambience. from updates to american idol contestants to indoesian artist to gossips. the usual stuffs that we would usually talk about. the dinner at ljs, finally had the chance to eat my cajun chicken which ive longed crave for. loveeee it!

im gonna get my hair highlighted soon. wuhooo! hokay baiii










credits to nasrul for the pics!

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