Monday, February 22, 2010

Have you ever though of life as a musical and you just singing your heart out in the shower or dancing in the carpark not caring one bit if the security guard spots you out?

Everyone needs that bit of escape once in a while, and it feels really good to just walk out of there and just have fun.

the fun that you can ever get only when you're with your bff because you dont pretend youre having so much when you're already are. i miss my bestest friend so much. looks like we're tight down with so many things in our lives for now. remember the time when we just sang our hearts out in the room, putting a side of what others might say if they heard us from outside and just having the fun for ourselves.

anyway, good lucksss to the both of you for your exams! i miss yall so much. this is the longest period of time ive not met yall :(

eventful week with trainings and helping my mom out. today was another brand new week. went swimming with my lovely girls in the morning and spend quality time together at prisc's house. prisc has a very nice and cossy home.omg, her god sister is such a sweety and smart!though she always goes up to janine all the time, at least she gave me a hug and a kiss and called me amy jiejie when i left. hehe.

after which, met with my sisters and had a good time catching up. talk about any random things that came right into our mind. love you girls!

shall uploads cute pictures of cute meimei when prisc and janine's upload it. toodles.


Willy Wonka said...


amirah, you? said...

hehehhe. sure thing. love love back