Sunday, November 6, 2011


last thursday.van 's dad fetched us home from trainin. we had such a funny ride because admiralty is quite a foreign area to mr wee. so i helped to lead him the route to mario's and then to SLE(because there is a short cut route to the expressway and he doesn't know. Lol). He was amazed.

You know, ive been in woodlands for centuries. okey maybe not. to be exacty 16 years. Right from when i was still in my pre-school days till now im already ending my tertiary education. Its been 16 long years! How can i not know it well, in fact my mom  always drive at that route and now, i get to drive around there as well!

Looking back 16 years ago, woodlands has changed so much. Like the things which wasnt there yet when i was 3, and now im 19, there's too many changes done.

I still remember, the land where  evergreen sec is at was just a plain field and when they were in the midst of building it. I told my mom, im going there (because it was right beside my house) but i ended up in adss. haha

And the route that papa always drove me to my religious school, was where rp was still a bare land. And then they started building it up. Told my pa, im going to make it there (not knowing it was the lousiest poly then) and here i am now in rp.

Times flies. I feel like im growing up too fast that things got to slow down a lil.

flashing back at those years. I had the best time of my life in woodlands. I practically grew up here and i feel so attached to this place that it saddens me. knowing the fact that  i would leave this place pretty soon since im left with  a semester more in RP.

so much of thhe bitter sweet memories. The certain spots i spend most of my time at.tripple 8, causeway point, the hard court behind tripple 8, woodlands mart and many many more.

Now you know how well i  know about woodlands right. That every single places is at my fingertips already. I love woodlands so much that i might just buy a house here. Haha kidding.

selamat hari raya haji to all my muslim friends!!!

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