Thursday, November 10, 2011

on the road.

HI!! I haven’t had a proper entry of my experience on driving yet right? so yeah I’ve been attending practical lesson and have been enjoying every single session though the first few were nerve wrecking but it was a blast! Even though I was travelling at the speed of a walking man. I did turning and reversing. First, second and third clutch (OH YES I’m taking manual. hehe) drove around the circuit round and round till I got bored of it.

Thank god my instructors were all friendly(except one, whom being extra friendly and shake my hand after a lesson, I find it weird because the others doesn’t but charmaine said maybe it was merely out of courtesy) but fierce sometimes. I think they've got the eyes of an owl, they knew every single move I make, when I drive, I am extremely conscious of how my hands moved. i would look at the steering and not the road. And when I looked at the road, i had the tendency to look at the road beneath my car. then he will go "look far girl. Look far" HAH

then during my third lesson. My Indian instructor said "ok girl, turn left at number 27, we're going on the road" then my first reaction was" huhhh?! so fast, it's only my third lesson" then he replied " so you come here to learn driving on the road or on the circuit" LOL

But heck, I make an excellent driver. (well, almost. not that bad even though I stalled quite a few times. Too kanchiong for a first-timer on the road) I drove like a drunkard. Sometimes swerving into the lanes of others. HAHA. But most of the time I had control of the car. Sometimes he asked me to slow down because I was driving at an outrageous speed of 60km/h, when I didn't even feel any adrenaline rush. must be the leg press I did in the gym, that's why my right foot seems to press on the accelerator too easily. hmmm

So I have another pet peeve. Changing lane just sucks to the max. It's a road discipline for learners to keep on their left lanes at all times. Trust me, the road at the woodlands industrial area just sucks. With so many huge and long vehicles parked on the left lane. So I had to signal right, check blind spot, check front mirror, side mirror before proceeding. And when I was driving at my comfortable pace after exchanging lane, the instructor made me go back to the left lane.... AGAIN so you see me swerving from right to left, left to right.

I kind of getting the hang of it that I am proud to say that I have become a better driver now. HAHA. Now that I’m better, i got frustrated at the pace I was going, so envy of the experienced driver that drove pass me. They made me feel like I’m moving like a snail. Every time I reached 60km/h, he will say " so what is maximum speed on this road" then ill go.. 50... okey..

It was fun, for making a car move from the drivers' seat. i have always been seating on my mom's car seat while holding onto the steering, shifting the gear and pretend i am driving. now i make a car move by myself! If only the lesson rates weren't that ridiculous, 71 bucks for 2 hours, seriously?!  I'd be taking lessons everyday.

Hopefully ill get to go through TP by feb! So at least i can have my license before graduating. insyallah. pray for my safety guys and charmaine's too!! she's having her practical too. weehee


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