Monday, September 5, 2011

Yearning for the day I can finally fling myself onto my bed, hair pulled back and in a ultra large T-shirt. sleeping without the alarm interrupting the beauty sleep, and waking up to glorious morning. Tossing and Turning while fiddling with my hp. Checking out tweets. Then I'll pull myself up to brush my teeth. have my hot cup of milo. maybe bread with nutella. yumz.

the day is here. no training later. life's good. :)

anyway, ive been wanting to post up a few nice pictures. 3 freaking am and i cant sleep so ill just kill time and update a lil bit of things here.

i know exams had ended for quite sometime. the day of the last UT was the hardest. but whatever, headed down to somerset's fish & co to break fast with my favorite girls. it's been awhile ever since we went out and have somee fun together. The dinner was secretly planned by Cherie to surprise min's advance and rach's belated birthday. so we decided to just settle down with a cake from the icing room, my first attempt of decorating was not bad.. lucky to have cherie around. if not,the cake would turned out as a major failure!

 the two chantek girls. without us, no cake lei.

not bad right ;P

cherie decorated this part, not bad har ;D 

so while decorating this cute cake, min had been constantly contacting us to hurry cos we made them wait for 45 minutes. she even had that wild thoughts that cherie and i went to shop for clothes cuz we're forever late ah..ha ha ha haaaaa. the foods was not that bad though. we could have went to other better places if it wasnt for me, being the only halal girl. anyway, we were talking about our future plans, and realised, it's been quite a journey together. from being classmates in year 1, these few are the ones whom i still keep in touch with. and it's so sad to know we're only left with a sem more in rp. but we're planning to head to the same route .so please!! god, bless us for the whole of next sem!! let us pass!!

min's 19.95 meal.

rach's muak pasta

mine came in with the wrapping paper! not that bad.

cherie's  dory fish.
and our drinks. had two of this. didnt like how sweet the mango tasted like. and this mug is damn huge!

even, with the only 4 of us. we still reached 100+ as per normal.

love how min dress up herself here :) no more paddington :P

after which, we went around to find the secret place which ive been wanting to go. suprise them both. run around finding lighter, singing birthday songs in all 3 languges. fed each other the fruit cake. continue talking and giggling and talking and giggling. THEN WE CAMWHORED THE WHOLE NIGHT TILL 11+

So glad they were surprised! love these two girls lots! x.x

amyyeah, amy, amirah, abulu's daughter.

rach and cherie :)

i think i took the most individual shots with min that night. haha
self timer!! i was jumping off from the staircase, ran just in time, and shouted like a mad girl before this pic being snapped! haha
feel so tall standing beside rach. heh!

thank god for my long hands. haaa


moi lover.
another one with min! told you, i took the most with her!

self timer again. this was the nicest shot! but cherie's L terbalek la. :(
love this !!




 till the next one. seee ya!

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