Thursday, January 6, 2011

The ending of 2010 wasn't how I expected it to be. I didn't have the "perfect" end to my year, what i meant by perfect is, hmmm.. just like any other teens like me would find perfect is.

I didn't have any favourite boy next to me, there wasnt any fireworks booming across my sky, I didn't have my close friends with me, I didn't party, I didn't have a lot of things-- but I know what I had. A beautiful but sometimes super annoying family, a chilly night with peace and quiet, enjoying our pizza. im happy with it.

In 2010 I've met so many different people with so many different behaviour and standards. and it's rocked my life quite a lot-- and y'know , life gonna be awesome with this people.

I lust for so many things and so many expensive experiences so Ive decided I'm going to be rich. but how to? i dont have any idea. haha.  maybe ill find rich boyfriend and grab them faster so i can have him to pamper me with my needs. omggg that sounds interesting but you know, im not like that.

whenever i think of how sucks life is, how sucks it is not to get what i want, how sucks it is not to be born rich.One minute later my heart softens for the old workers who come to  to clear our food court tables, the one i would give my humble smile and says thank you and their faces will light up with a smile. those foreigners whom clean up the rubbish dumps, smell shits. build our houses, make singapore a beautiful country.In that same minute I think, i just have to abandon my cravings for life. i dont deserve it.i think they deserve it more.

Then Sunday arrives, same old routine back again. training in the morning, studied for my ut for the next day since poly students starts earlier. so here i am in class. typing out this short entry to keep it alive, as always. haha

happy 2011. I'm going to try my best in everything you give me, because I think I handled 2010  freaking well!! wuhoooo.

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