Saturday, January 1, 2011

chalet with db.

before i get too lazy and disappear once more. shall keep it alive with some jolly events happening, like my db chalet which is also our christmas exchange gift day :D all of us were quite psyched for it, like counting down to the day and when it finally appears, timeline were flood with tweets by the girls. but before we had fun, still, we head down to LSR to train in the morning. our body well up, paddled and paddled like there's no end, did too many planks with hungry stomach and all i did was just to whine and whine.

before heading down to the chalet, i had to get my mortal's present since i delayed it till the day itself. van and marion helped me to choose! then to the chalet where the fun begins!!


my lion hair before nazi helped to tie it up!

look! isnt it much better now? haha thanks nazi!!


the busy cook-ers. esther and aifaa. aifaaa's face kena cut off! lol.  they were cooking it since the evening till night! and yeah, i was busy eating.

van love this pic cos there's pimple on our faces! hahaha

whats with the twist marion? we're doing ah mao's signature pose! haha

then at night, it gets crazzier with susan being the dj, blasting music from jie fang's iphone playlist with guetta and korean songs and van being really funny with her singging. arggh penning this down now, made me feel like turning back time to the chalet again!!


our signature pose since regatta! haha


then later, after stuffing so much food into our mouths, got a lil bit tired while bbqing. we finally had our prize giving exchange time! definitely the time where all of us were looking forward to cos we're revealing ourselves!  yupp like finally.. so after much attempts.. figuring out who was my angel, not jamie again, well i thought it was esther but nope.. jie fang was!!! i was so suprised and was speechless. she put in so much effort preparing the gift for me, was so touched, almost teared but never cos all of them made me laugh! HAHAH!

hello angel. im glad it was you. thanks lion ! <3


my gift. the next page is choi minho's pic. imagine, having two of my boyfriend photos !! ahh so nice.with a bag and a t shit too. so much right!!! i had the biggest present. oh yahh, revealed myself as the "chinese" looking girl with short hair that deliver goods to julia's class every friday. haha! she loved the present. pheww. haha


since it was jia wei's birthday on that day itself. they suprised him and julia... which was on the 30th of december! then called me out to cut the cake together cos im a december baby too :D hehe


my fellow year 2s. surviving ones that will stick through with each other till the end. insyallah :)

and the girls, personally i love this pic! but some of their head kena cut off. haha!


and well yeah, we are the chef that cooked at the end of the bbq. im the better one of course, van got fired by our supervisor esther cos her chicken was burnt. HAHA . but we enjoyed ourselves!

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