Monday, November 29, 2010

for my bestfriend.

every year without fail. i would have one particular post just for my bestfriend , charmaine. on her birthday, but this come a lil bit late though.

im seating here, infront of my lappy, thinking of the words i wanted to say.ive got my thoughts penned down right here, i wrote this down for you.

i miss us. i really miss how close we are. we do alot of silly things together. To name a few, scratching ur legs with my or was it your ruler? haha i cant remember. we sang songs, we got punished and was asked to stand during mr thoo's lesson for a freaking period cos we were noisy. we dance to hsm , we're all in this together and recorded ourselves in a vid( i still have it with me!) . we will play around just before sst, sweat like a pig cos we ran around the corridor with our class's broom, piggy backed each other, scream around, whack each other's butt then when it comes to the study period, we were restless, that was when we're fifteen.we're damn close that ms huda was quite worried that i might not be able to do things on my own because there's always you with me, everywhere i go in school.

no matter how busy you are, the miles that keep us apart, remember that im here for you. anytime. i said this in my post a year ago, im afraid that i took things for granted, im afraid ill lose you. we're so caught up in our busy life, so many hings we must do. we're grown ups now. sometimes, i never even stop for a lil while, to send you a simple text, just to remind you. im still here and i miss you terribly.

im quite sad actually, cos im not there for you like how i used to. miss the time when you take my hand to lead me cross the road and now i realised you didnt do that anymore, which means im big enough to do that on my own. heh! when O level just ended, we went karoke-ing, sang like mad girls till we merely lost our voice. we rented the the cheapest dslr and went around to just snap pics of us together <3

now youre eighteeen! you're eighteeen!!!! so that's like 6 years eversince we know each other. from that simple conversation when i asked you if you dont mind me seating next to you in class when we're sec 1! hehe. we're legal alreadyyy! okey maybe not for me, yet, but soon! lol.

 i love you charmaine tay, aka my kuku , my asshole , my best best friend . may god bless you always.


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