Monday, August 16, 2010

cant get to sleep so i write shitz.

its freaking 1+ am and im still wide awake. Maybe i should make a cup of hot milo or sOmething. Find some cool stuff to do at this hour, but aiya, lazy to on my macbook(hehe, ive abandoned my hp laptop for quite sometime already) and my back is aching. Might as well, lay down on this comfy bed of mine. Rant some shitz here till i feel sleepy. Well, hopefully i will at the end of this err should i say? no-tittle post?! hehe

I realized i love to write really long tweets and then it will says over word limits. So i will take sometime, to rephrase it. This suxxx to the maxx.

At times like this when i really got nothing to do and my body system refused(!) to sleep, Ill think alot alot! Like now, just texted my minah a rly random text.

Sometimes i really wonder how does it feels like sacrificing so much for the person you love truly deeply. Though that person had committed so much trouble, major major ones and hurt you so terribly but yet you still continue loving him as much as you have always do.

so tell me how does it feels like?! cos im really curious and i want to know!

As much as i do really love a guy. I would definitely think for myself first.of course i would do tt, i dont want to be ended up with a fucked up guy and go through a miserable life right. I want to be a taitai, drive around a mini cooper, shop till i drop, do facial everyday. Wah shiok life.

coming back to the topic, I understand how it feels like loving someone. Well cos ive went through once in my life before and the pain that i felt was not because we're apart but we're over and done with. Totally two different situation but still, same problem! You cant b with the person you love, and that suck, trust me, it rly do. Like oh my god, the pain, it feels like someone just stab your heart a million of times(lol) and then you would crumbled down that you cant even stand on your two feets. Wah so drama.

But aiya, life is full of challenges. You wouldnt find a person without any trouble. Everyone have their own story to tell. It just the matter of how much they've went thru. A little bit of shit or abit more than yours.overall, still shit right?

We have our own life to go through. Why do you have to make chapters of your life so complicated and filled it with unpleasant ones. You should at least embrace yourself with better things that awaits you in the future. Open your eyes, stop being so naive and thinks of the sweet talking, really no worth it! Must enjoy life first.

Of all things, im always ended up talking about this topic over and over again. Tsk. This is so annoying. But ohwellz, i would post this because ive spend quite sometime writting this and typing it with my hp is not as easy as you think. Now my fingers like cramp sia. Shit.

Okey i think im quite sleepy already. Ive yawn three times, ok wait, ive just yawn. that makes it 4. Sleep tight everyone.


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