Tuesday, June 1, 2010

This is so ubber coolzz. Im blogging through my phoneyy! Nt bb, nt iphone but n71. Muhahha! Anw, ive been trying my luck to see whether there's any free wireless connection here at home since ytd. Spend thr whole day watching bof all over again with the free connection thru my phone and paying back my sleeping debts.shiok!

Frankly speaking, im actually quite nervous for today.. Ntg extravagant happening in my life but training was scheduled to be very hectic for this 2 freaking weeks. And today, training starts as early as 6.30? Yes yes. Crazzyy but i lovee it. i love how everyone comes tgr and train hard towards a common goal. i love the word LAI because it gaves me a sense of motivation which cant be bough with $. Common girls, we're gna endure this shit together :D. both boats gna do well!!

we got totally knocked out. slept through the whole journey back home, in the train with van and she totally went flat. wished we could allight later cos if not because of that jerk, i wouldnt have been awake. MUHAHA! ive never felt this tired ever , in my whole life!! anyway, on the way home. saw this quote on one of the poster

there's no trevelator towards success, there is only stairs. so for every success, comes with challenges and of course, effort. so yeah, HEHE!







spot me, my tiny head kana squeeze by tt wm!!

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