Wednesday, May 12, 2010

chelsea ~ chelsea

i always kena menstruation . soo bloody annoying. the cramps is damn painful and i just feel like my hips are gonna break anytime soon. i have zero control over my mood and it sucks because i would just offend anyone that comes in my way.

well, there are certain people whom love to be in fast cars, driving with their own styles and comfort themselves to their own destinations. As much as i love to say i would really love to own a car soon or the fact that i always complaint about being in a public transportation , im completely fine with it actually. eventhough i had to walk quit a bit and perspire along the way. At least i know i have a lot of time to enjoy my own journey, the people around me, the scenery and perhaps, even my own discovery of a secret beautiful place which people wouldnt know it do exist. HEHE! cool right?

i love mrt rides when there's not pack with people, when my poor bag and i wasnt being squashed and squeezed. i love it when i see mommies with prams coming into the train. ill spend the whole entire journey by just staring at the baby. OR even, when there's handsome guys , ill just get myself amazed by how good looking that guy can be. sometimes, ill look out for some funny people to laugh at , like anyone whom just happened to fall sleep with their mouth widely open. and if there's nothing i could see to fill up the time, ill just sleep (and hopefully this time round, i wouldnt be the one with the mouth widely open) HEHE

anyway, everyone should have known that chelsea was crowned as the champion for this season. there is actually no words to describe how wonderful the feeling is to see, FINALLY, chelsea getting something back after 5 fugging years. im amazed on how ancelotti brought chelsea back up after the falldown by scolari and grant's and how he groomed the players to perform at it's very best and slaughtered wigan 8-0. everyone were saying chelsea deserved it that makes me the happiest gal evaaa.
especially this convo


see that! razis said, chelsea deserved it!! like finally! HAH

woots woots. my boyfriend!!! <3 Photobucket


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