Wednesday, April 28, 2010

world isnt that simple..

As you grow up older you realize the world is not as simple anymore. A man may not be a man , may be a woman.Everything shrinks. The sky is not always blue. Nobody tucks you into bed anymore. School does not mean Play time with friends.

You then realize how ugly the world is. People lie, they fugging lie. some people are just too disgusting. Just like how friends will say they don't think you're ugly when sometimes they really do think you are.
Or when people say hi give hugs and " catch up" but then stab them in the backs by bitching about them. when a friend get close to you just to learn your strategies and overtake you or worst still, be nice to you when actually they have a motive out of it. fug their lives.
When countries bomb each other like as though they're farting

Then you see the world. And you wonder why. Why?

So everyday. We have to be happy. For friends who make you smile and laugh and dont bitch about you. For chocolate milk and milo. For movies. For inspirational novels. For chocolate cakes. For people who can bake cakes. For music. For this mechanism in your body that makes you dance. For the man who smiled at you.

Life doesn't stop , we need to move on.

anyway, yesterday, too many things happened all at once.
A handsome guy got into my class and realized he's in the wrong class. we were this close to be classmate for a day! damn! Then, laiyyina laughed at me cos i forgot to pluck in my earpiece and ended up blasting my music off, how silly can i get? URGH! and im currently stucked with my pp, what industry to choose? how to start ? i dont have any idea :(

After training, stayed in school to finish up rj and quiz with van since she needed my laptop to finish up her's too. didnt realised it was almost 10.30pm cos we were busy chit-chatting and webcamming with random people and finishing up our work.

and have i told you, this is the first m18 movie Ive watched in  a cinema though Ive not yet to turn 18. lucky teenage gal cos he let me in! watched with Cherie and zoa. not as scary as what Ive expected because Cherie and i were all prepared to shout and scream. the only part which scares us were the mass killing was horrifying. this movie made me use my brain cells to think who's actually the right one here. so GO AND WATCH IT!

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