Wednesday, February 17, 2010

39 days, 20 people, one survivor.

Have I told you how much I absolutely LOVE and adore Survivor? Its possibly my favouritest reality tv programme of all time! And I’ve been watching it well not really religiously since it all started in in Season 1, the one which Richard Hatch won. skipped an episode or two. re-union epi is the best!

And now the Survivor Season 20 which was an all-stars season. the past players who were either heroes or villians are back to seek for redemption and revenge! this is freaking awesome!!!

looking at the players, i dont really like the villians and i though heroes are gonna do just fine when they won their first  challenge which was too rough and dangerous(if u watch, u would know) and lost the immunity challenge? DAMN IT!

so sad. so sad. aras not here.whyyy :(
anyway here's the heroes.
the only person i didnt really like here is sugar and im so glad she's the first to be voted off during tribal council. haaa. i want the winner to be from this tribe!!! no one else from villians shud win esp that rob, he's just good and trying to please others and putting people at his side.

jt should amaze me with his game plans. go jt go jt!
and if uve not watch survivor before then you should do it this time round, its gonna be a good season!


Lady_ind3p3ndant said...

I actually like rob lei! haha. I want that beardy looking guy to win! He is the real survivor man!haha

amirah, you? said...

which guy? i dun like rob. he try to make everyone thinks that he's a nice guy but actually he's trying to put everyone at his side then he's gna kick out one by one. he taught amber the same thing too.
hate tt couple! i want jt!!!